
Hello, welcome to my blog. I’ve been blogging since tenth grade when I started out on spinayarnknit (complete with the pseudonym Cleo Lititz). I wanted to become a famous knitwear designer. I published a few patterns and started my own Ravelry group. Eventually I realized that knitting for the sake of knitting was enough. I also realized I really hated writing up patterns.

My blog grew with me as I worked my way through high school. But, as I reached the halfway point in my summer before heading to college I started to realize that I had outgrown my blog. My blog just didn’t fit me right any more. I stopped posting frequently because I felt like it just wasn’t ‘me’.

It was a scary step but I managed to take a leap of faith and start this blog which combines a few different aspects of my life; knitting, getting my geek (or nerd) on, and living a natural life. If you’ve followed me here from spinayarnknit I want to thank you for sticking with me, whether you’ve read my horrible first posts or not.

If you’re new to this blog and my ramblings, hello. I can’t wait to meet you. I love to hear from my readers and as an aspiring writer I can handle (I actually crave) constructive criticism and love an intelligent debate.

I’ve been knitting since sixth grade when, after reading Chicks With Sticks: Knit Two Together by Elizabeth Lenhard , I was struck with the desire to knit. I checked out an old book from the fifties or sixties in how to knit and learned sitting cross-legged at the head of my bed with two pencils.

I’m still not sure what technique I learned and I know for a fact I hold the yarn wrong but it works for me. But I digress… My first project was a lumpy freeform shape in a gold color. I was hooked from there. I’ve taught my brothers to knit and a few friends and I was this close to teaching my ex-boyfriend as well

At one point I thought I wanted to be a knitwear designer but I’ve realized that just knitting to knit is more of what I want to do. Stressing about a hobby is the quickest way to ruin a hobby.

I yarnbomb on occasion. I like the subversive nature of graffiti ad much as I like the beauty of it. I also like being able to put a smile on someone’s face. If I can I will.

I actually consider myself more of a geek than a nerd but I’m a sucker for good alliteration. I am a fan of superheros and a star-spangled man with a plan in particular.

I’m also a fan of old books, Brontë is my weakness. I blame my AP Literature summer assignment. Once I read Jane Eyre it was all over. It was my gateway drug to Dracula and Frankenstein. I will read almost anything though, I’m not a book (or yarn) snob. I have always been a voracious reader. I can still remember my first chapter book! Magic Treehouse #14: Day of the Dragon King. They do say you never forget your first…

I also am a fan of certain TV shows but, as I don’t watch TV a lot, I doubt they’ll come up here a lot either. Probably as a nerdy themed knitting project. My interests bleed together like that.

I’m also, quite passionately, a writing nerd. That’s probably why I’ve kept up blogging for so long. I just love to write. To string the words together and find just the write combination to get my point across. I have grown since I first started blogging. My first posts truly are awful but I accept that. I had to start somewhere to grow to where I am now. I still have a lot of growing to do but I leave my old blog there as a reminder that growth in anything, be it knitting or writing is possible.

Living Naturally
I am currently on a journey to live my life as naturally as possible and that will probably crop up on here from time to time. I enjoy being closer to nature and taking care of Mother Earth. It started with learning to dye yarn naturally (again, interests mixing) and it has begun to shift my entire way of life. Yarn is magical like that.

I also like to cook and bake that will probably fall mostly under this category as I cook with as many natural ingredients as possible.

I hope you have enjoyed this letter which has grown considerably longer than I thought it would.

Thanks for reading all the way to the end, Sarah

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